GOODBYE - I am off to travel the world!! - Forums
       GOODBYE - I am off to travel the world!!
Topic Title: GOODBYE - I am off to travel the world!!
Im a Guy !Kelly
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"GOODBYE - I am off to travel the world!!" , Wed 31 Oct 16:14

Greetings Everyone,

Today is Halloween, 31 October 2001 and I will be leaving Canada soon on a year-long voyage throughout India and Southeast Asia. It is going to be quite a trip. This is a major change in my life and one that I've been looking forward to for many years -- different cultures, different ways of life. I do not know what my mindset will be when I return. I am hoping to catch even the smallest glimpse of how the "rest of the world" lives, the two or three billion or so people who live quite differently than we do in so-called "first world," the industrialized nations. Almost all of us, myself included, have no idea just how lucky we are. Our lifestyles and excesses in North America, Europe and other developed nations cannot be sustained as they are -- but this is neither the time nor the place for me to rant about such things.

I will be away from computers and technology in general for the better part of a year, except for the occasional check of my personal email every once and a while (when I can find an Internet cafe, that is). It is a liberating feeling, really. If you are interested in hearing about my travels, you can keep checking my homepage at , which I hope to update periodically (as in, every month or two, depending on which country I am in).

Unfortunatly I won't be checking the discussion forum here for quite a while... I do hope that it will continue to run okay while I'm away as it has for the past year or so, and more importantly I hope everyone who visits will continue on exactly as they have been, offering advice and asking questions in order to help other people.

Thank-you to everyone who has visited and will continue to visit, and most of all thank-you to those who have contributed advice, suggestions, thoughts and answers here. You have made this a valuable place for everyone.

My life has been very busy and stressful as of late while I frantically prepare for such a big change in my life -- this is why you have not seen me online here much in the past few months.

Even if this message forum somehow does crash or go down while I'm away (which is doubtful, but of course anything is possible), I am sure that the rest of the website will continue running.

Best of luck to all of you. We can beat our depression, we really can. And we can grow and be happy and make all our dreams come true if we really want to.

Posts: 427 | | Registered: Thu 5 Oct 2000 21:48

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