What is the correct dosage?

The correct dosage, according to the original study by the British Medical Journal, is three capsules of St. John's Wort extract per day, 300 mg each, standardized to contain 0.3% hypericin (note: this is a total of 900 mg per day at 0.3% -- too little might not be effective, but some people prefer to start out with a lower dosage anyway or have a smaller body size).  Smaller people might want to only take two capsules, teens should only take one or two, and children (at the advice of a doctor only!) should take no more than one.

Kelly's brand buyin' guide updated November 17, 2005.

There are now many, many different brands of St. John's Wort (SJW) on the market. Some of them are good quality, some are not. The herbal industry is not regulated like the pharmaceutical industry so they can have poor quality control. If you're trying it for the first time, buy the best brand you can find. I have found that most brands work just fine, but some are definitely better than others. If you cheap out and buy the Wal-Mart brand for example, it sure didn't work for me.

That does not mean you have to buy the most expensive brand out there either. If you try St. John's Wort and it doesn't work for you, at least try another brand before giving up. Some of the best brands on the market right now are used by scientists to study SJW and depression, and there have been a few very good scientific studies now. Perika and Kira are good brands to buy. I have no financial interest in either of these or the companies that make them, and I don't buy them myself . I go to the local drugstore here in Montreal, Canada and for about $8 to $12 a bottle I get a 20 day supply. SJW is readily available in many countries, but not everywhere in the world. Everywhere has different prices and qualities, but there is also mail-order (about $7 USD a bottle when you buy in larger quantities from any one of a number of companies). In Germany it is sold by prescription only.

Compare that to prescription antidepressants which cost quite a bit more and aren't necessarily any more effective. St. John's Wort is natural, taken from the earth. But it still has to be processed properly and packed in air-tight containers that indicate the hypericin and (ideally) hyperforin levels inside each capsule.

When should I take it?

That's up to you. I personally experienced some initial fatigue when I took the full dosage in the morning, or even spread the dosage out over breakfast, lunch and supper. Right now I take it about an hour before bed and it has made a surprising difference in my energy level. Some people find that it initially makes them tired but that eventually fades. YMMV (your mileage may vary), although I think this is generally common in the prescription antidepressants world as well. If you're having problems, besides picking a quality brand, as per above, try taking it at a different time of day and see if that makes a difference.

What about other "stuff"?

You don't *really* need any other "stuff," though I personally take just some vitamins in my regimen. Along with my St. John's Wort, I take a good multi B vitamin with B6 (to help me dream - sleep is important to me) and B12 (for stress). Don't overdo it on the B-vitamins as it's not healthy to have too much.

Today, to improve my overall energy level I just ensure that I get lots sunlight, fresh air and exercise. This of course sounds much easier than it is. :-) However, it really does make a difference.

Some people believe in taking other herbs such as Ginkgo Biloba, which is known to increase your blood flow and is thought to increase your energy.

Finally, I like to take a good Omega-3 such as flax seed oil (or fish oil, or evening primrose oil), which is quite good for you in many different ways. You can research much of this stuff in other places, but you probably don't need to take them unless you have a specific requirement to do so. Just like everything, take any or all of the above in moderation -- just because a little does some good, doesn't mean that a whole lot will do any better. Don't overdo the vitamins or Ginkgo lest you be faced with other problems... oh, and too much vitamin B will make you pee a flourescent yellow (no kidding), though really this is normal.

Go to the next section (side effects)