Does sam-e work like ephedrine - Forums
       Does sam-e work like ephedrine
Topic Title: Does sam-e work like ephedrine

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"Does sam-e work like ephedrine" , Fri 16 Dec 22:22

Does anyone know the effect of sam-e with caffeine? I've been on it for 60 days every day and I only notice a positive effect when I drink coffee. Every other day is a decaf day so 1 day I take coffee in the morning, the following day I have decaf and avoid any caffeinated beverage.

Ephedrine is a supplement that only works with coffee - if you drink coffee alone you get a boost in energy and mood, if you take ephedrine along with coffee you have an even bigger stimulation. I suspect sam-e works the same. When I take it on decaf days it does not help, compared to when I take it with coffee. I believe there's a better effect when you take sam-e along with your coffee than when you drink coffee without it - does it make sense?

If anyone has noticed this please share. Thanks.

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