Frequent awakenings insomnia - Forums
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Topic Title: Frequent awakenings insomnia

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"Frequent awakenings insomnia" , Wed 15 Jun 23:45

Hello. I've been struggling with insomnia for the past two years. For the last few months I manage to sleep for 7 to 8 hours but I wake up many times during the night although I do get back to sleep. I also dream a lot. This wouldn't be such a problem if I wouldn't feel tired all day. It really isn't refreshing sleep and I feel anxious and depressed being so tired. I'm 27. I started taking 5 htp before sleep (50 or 100 mg) and it makes me tired. I manage to fall asleep without problems but keep waking up every two hours.
Any suggestions? Is there some remedy for this frequent awakenings?

Posts: 6 | | Registered: Fri 21 Nov 2003 2:36

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